MedCo Rules and Policy Documents
Published: 17 December 2019
Updated: 21 June 2021
MedCo has today published two documents. The MedCo Rules and MedCo Policies Document have been produced to make the various rules and policies for MedCo easily accessible.
MedCo Rules
MedCo's Articles of Association define the MedCo Rules (the ‘Rules’) as follows:
‘’rules made by the MedCo Board from time to time and notified to the User on reasonable notice in accordance with the Board's powers as defined by these Articles of Association‘’
The MedCo Ethics Policy in the User Agreement requires Users to:
‘ensure that they are familiar with the terms of their relevant agreement and the MedCo Rules and ensure that these are adhered to.’’
This document sets out the Rules that MedCo has made, which allow it to operate in line with the government's policy objectives. These Rules will be kept under review to ensure that they remain up to date. All Medical Reporting Organisations (MROs), Direct Medical Experts (DME), Authorised Users (AU) and Indirect Medical Experts (IME) are contractually required to comply with these Rules.
MedCo Policies Document
MedCo's Articles of Association permit MedCo to:
“ do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the [Company’s] objects or any of them.”
MedCo operates in accordance with policy decisions made by the government. In order to deliver against the government’s policy objectives, MedCo has made its own policy decisions to ensure the efficient operation of MedCo and to improve the quality of medico-legal reporting.
This document sets out the Policies that have been made by MedCo and will be kept under review and updated as necessary. All Medical Reporting Organisations (MROs), Direct Medical Experts (DME), Authorised Users (AU) and Indirect Medical Experts (IME) should familiarise themselves with MedCo’s policies.
Read the updated MedCo Rules and MedCo Policies Document (updated 21 June 2021)
If you require any further information, please contact [email protected]