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Examination Guidelines

Published: 1 October 2019

MedCo has today issued medical experts and Medical Reporting Organisations (MROs) with guidelines relating to the volume and duration of medical examinations.

The guidelines have been created based on feedback, case data analysis and a recent survey sent out to all MedCo accredited medical experts and MROs seeking their views in relation to medical examinations and how these are conducted.

MedCo received a good response to the survey with over 400 users taking part. Read a summary of the survey questions and responses...

The MedCo guidelines recommend;

  • a maximum of 35 examinations in a day; and
  • a minimum of 15 minutes spent face to face with a claimant.

The guidelines support MedCo’s core objective to ensure that fit for purpose quality medical reports are provided by experts.

Read the Examination Guidelines.. (updated 11 July 2022)

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