Further to our update on 13 April 2021 (Training and all user update) we are writing to let you know that the Whiplash Reforms training module is now available.
All experts must complete the training regardless of whether they have opted in for unrepresented work.
The deadline for completion is 31 May 2021. This is a mandatory module that must completed even if you have met your MedCo annual CPD requirement of 6 hours for the year ending 31 May 2021.
Experts will be required to have completed the course before they are set to operational for unrepresented claimants work.
To access the training Log on to your account at https://app.medco.org.uk and select the Training option that is available on your home page. You will see your training record and all the modules that are available to you. The new mandatory course is called MOJ Whiplash Reforms Update. Click on this section and Joining instructions for the module will be self-explanatory on your training record. As you progress through your CPD your record will update, and you will be able to see how much training you have completed and how much is outstanding.
Failure to complete the mandatory training module by the deadline will result in suspension. (This can be lifted by completing the training)
Please note MedCo do not issue certificates for completion of the course or any other CPD requirements.