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We've made some changes

Published: 8 June 2024

As part of our technical refresh project we have implemented a number of changes. Whilst the majority of changes relate to the IT infrastructure and security we have made a number of changes that have been requested by users.

The purpose of this communication is to provide a summary of the changes.  


Summary of Changes


All users

Muti Factor Authentication (MFA)

To increase security we have introduced multi factor authentication (MFA).  This applies to all users and works by sending a one time code to the registered email address the first time you log in each day.  Therefore it is important all users ensure that registered email addresses are up to date and accessible.  


Medical Reporting Organisations Only

1. Manage Medical Specialist Experts

Following feedback, we have changed the way in which MRO users manage the medical specialist expert panel. 

MRO users can now change the Manage Medical Specialist default table setting to view 50, 100, 150, 200  or ALL experts on their panel.   In addition, there is also the function to download the full list of medical specialists as a CSV file that will list experts name, professional id and status thereby allowing MROs to filter by status.

We have also changed the way in which medical specialists can be added to a panel.  All that is now required is the expert's professional identification number (GMC or HCPC). We have removed the need to include a first and last name field.   From the professional identification number we will search and match the expert with one central index of all accredited medical experts.  This will apply to both the manual and bulk upload CSV method of uploads.  A new template CSV file can be downloaded from within MRO users accounts.

2. New MRO user profile

We have created a new user profile for MROs called Manage Medical Specialist.

This users access is limited and will only be able to manage the list of experts on a panel (upload and remove experts manually or via CSV bulk upload) and do a Medical Expert Enquiry to check if an experts operational status. An updated MRO user access guide can be found here.

3. Non-operational/withdrawn medical experts.

We have also amended the functionality to allow MRO users to upload case data for medical experts on their panel who are no longer operational with MedCo. If the expert was operational on the case selection date in MedCo, i.e. the date the MRO was selected as the medical report provider for a case, the upload will be successful.


Medical Reporting Organisations and Direct Medical Experts

1.Case Data Uploads – New/Amended Injury Types

We have added a new injury type to the list available and made changes to 2 of the existing injury types. The changes are listed below.

  • Senses e.g. hearing, sight, taste, touch, smell (NEW Injury type)
  • Arm/Elbow (AMEND – was previously Arm only)
  • Shoulder    (AMEND – was previously Discrete Shoulder Injury)

The manual case data entry method via the website will automatically include the new injury types. However, users who upload in bulk using the CSV method will need to ensure they use the new injury code 11 for Senses in their uploads .  A new sample CSV form to help explain and upload can be found here.

2. Case Data Uploads – Confirmation message

When entering case data via the website, we will now display a pop-up message to ask ‘Are you sure you want to save this data?’ before you save and close the file.

3. Batch case closures

We have added a new function that will allow DMEs and MROs to close cases, for reasons other than case data upload, in bulk using a CSV that is separate to the current case data bulk upload facility.

In the Bulk Case Uploads function a new template is now available that you can download and update to add cases and select reason codes to state why you are closing the case. A new How to close cases guide is available here.


Authorised Users

Search API

Included in the release is a service that will allow an authorised user organisation to make a call, via API, from a case management tool to MedCo to search for and select a  Medical Report Provider (DME or MRO).

To use the service there will be a requirement for users to follow an onboarding pack.   More information regarding the onboarding procedure will be published in due course.

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