Following the publication of the Government response to the ‘Revisions to the Medical Reporting Process for Road Traffic Accident Claims’ consultation on 16 December last year, the MoJ have today issued a stakeholder alert to confirm that the following changes to several medical reporting related activities will come into effect from 6 April 2025:

  • Revised Medical Reporting Organisation Qualifying Criteria (QC) and Direct Medical Expert Rules (DME Rules);
  • A revised MedCo ‘offer’ for represented claimants only; and
  • An increase of around 25% to the MedCo Fixed Cost Medical Reports (FCMR) regime.

To help MRO and DME users, tracked change versions of the Revised MRO QC and DME Rules can be found using the links below.

Further updates to the related MedCo Qualifying Criteria Guidance Document and related MRO and DME Audit guides will follow shortly.

Read the full Stakeholder Alert