Closing and Reopening Cases – Medical Experts and MROs
How do I close a case?
MedCo provides Direct Medical Experts (DMEs) and Medical Report Organisations (MROs) with the facility to close cases. This can be completed by either uploading case data following an examination or by choosing to manually close a case as a formal instruction/examination is no longer being progressed.
How do I upload case data?
A step by step guide showing users how to upload case data can be found here
How do I close a case for reasons other than case data upload?
A step by step guide showing users how to manually close a case for reasons other than case data upload can be found here
Is it possible to reopen a closed case?
Once case data has been entered and saved it is not possible to reopen the case. Where a case is manually closed for reasons other than case data upload there is a 14-day window within which it may be re-opened.
What should I do if I receive instructions on a closed case?
In the event that a case is manually closed without case data and a formal instruction/or a request to progress with an examination arrives after the 14-day window allowed to reopen the case, DMEs or MROs should not progress with the MedCo case and the Authorised User should conduct a second search. Authorised users must also make contemporaneous records of the reason why a second search was necessary as per the MedCo Rules v3 (updated 6 April 2022).