About Us
Read all about who we are and what we do.
What is MedCo?
MedCo is the system used to facilitate the sourcing of medical report providers in claims brought under the Ministry of Justice RTA Small Claims Pre-Action Protocol or the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents.
Introduced in April 2015, MedCo is part of a package of reforms to tackle the increase in claims for compensation and the significant impact it was having on the motor insurance premiums paid by individuals, families and businesses.

MedCo’s aims are to:

Implement Government Policy

Ensure independence of medical reporting via fair search and selection

Ensure the quality of medical legal report

Provide accreditation for medical experts
All commissioners of medical reports, such as firms of solicitors, along with medical experts and MRO providers must register with MedCo. All users must also declare any financial links.
Who is the MedCo board?
The MedCo system is operated by a non-executive Board comprised of two independent non-executive directors and representatives with cross-industry interests and an independent Chair. Representatives include members from the following organisations.
Read the MedCo Articles of Association
The Board publish public minutes of the meeting of the Board. You can read the minutes by visiting our Document Library and using the filter category Public Board Minutes.

MedCo Committees
In Addition to the board, there are a number of committees
- Audit Committee (AC)
- Expert Audit and Peer Review Committee (EAPR)
- Education and Training Committee (ETC)
- Operations Committee (OPS)
- IT Committee